

May 7, 2013

Steps to Perform Salah

1. Prepare for prayer. 

Preparing for prayer includes cleaning yourself, wearing clean clothes, and finding a clean and pure place to pray.

2.  Stand to face the Qibla.

The Qibla is the direction towards the Kaaba. Some compasses modified for this purpose are now available. Many hotel rooms also have the Qibla direction marked somewhere on the roof.

3. Make the intention to pray.

You need to know which prayer of the day you are performing.
An example would be to think:  "I will perform 2/4 rakaat farz/sunnat/nafil of the fajr/zuhr/asr/maghrib/isha/ prayer".

5. Perform the Takbiratul Ihram.

This starts the prayer. Raise your hands, palms facing forwards, up till your ear lobes (or to your shoulders if you are a woman), and say الله أَكْبَر (Allahu Akbar = God is The Greatest).
- as shown in the picture (a)

6. Perform Qiyam.

Qiyam is where you stand up, your hands folded across your chest. Recite the Surah Al Fatiha and another short portion of the Qur'an.

(Stand up straight, with your hands folded. Your right hand should be over your left, and they should overlap till the wrists only. Men place their folded hands below their navel, and women at chest level(Three of the Sunni schools of Islamic law: the Hanafi, Shafi'i and Hanbali groups pray with their hands folded. Malikis pray with their arms at their sides. If you are a Shiite, stand with your arms at your sides)
- as shown in the picture (b)

7. Perform Ruk'u.

The ruku is basically a bow. You unfold your hands and bow, then placing your hands on your knees. Your back should become parallel to the ground. It is essential to completely bow, not just tilt your body at 45o to the vertical. Say الله أَكْبَر (Allahu Akbar)as you perform this step. When you are in ruku, recite سبحان ربى العظيم (Subhan rabbi alAdheem - All praise to Allah, the Great) thrice.
- as shown in the picture (c)

8. Rise up.

Then start to stand up saying, "Samee Allahoo Layman Hamidah - Rabbana Lakal Hamd" Start to say Samee when leaving Rookh (bowing poster) and end with Hameedah when you are fully errect. Wait a little.
- as shown in the picture (d)

9. Perform Prostration.

Say الله أَكْبَر (Allahu Akbar) and prostrate, placing your forehead, palms, and knees on the ground. The bases of both feet's fingers need to touch the ground. Your forehead must be bare - a covered forehead invalidates prayer. Recite سبحان ربى الأعلى (Subhan rabbi alAla - Glory be to my Lord, the Most high) thrice. A woman's elbows may touch the ground, but men must keep their elbows raised above the ground.
- as shown in the picture (e)

10. Rise to a sitting position, saying الله أَكْبَر (Allahu Akbar).

When you are in this position, you must keep your eyes at your lap. Men turn up the heel, and bend the toes, of the right foot. Women keep both their feet, soles up, under their body.
- as shown in the picture (f)

11. Prostrate again, saying الله أَكْبَر (Allahu Akbar). 
The second prostration is identical to the first Prostration.
- as shown in the picture (g)

12. Rise up to proceed to the next raka'at, saying الله أَكْبَر (Allahu Akbar).

The second raka'at is identical to the first one up till the second prostration, but without the Takbiratul Ihram.
- as shown in the picture (a)

* Perform the Tasyahhud at the end of the second raka'at. After the second prostration, stay in a sitting position and recite the Tashahhud (also known as Tahiyat) and then the Salawat
Atta-hiyyatu lillahi was-salawatu wat-tayyibatu As-salamu 'alaika ayyuh-an-Nabiyyu wa rahmat-ullahi wa barakatuhu As-salamu 'alaina wa 'alaa 'Ibaadillah-is-salihin. Ash-hadu-al-la-Ilaha illAllahu wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan 'abduhu wa Rasuluh.

All worships - oral, physical and momentary - are for Allah. Allah's peace be upon you, O Prophet, and His mercy and blessings. Peace be on us and on all righteous servants of Allah. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His Servant and Messenger.

* Now read this Durood Sharif, "Allah Humma Salle Ala Mohammadiyon Wa Ala Ale Mohammadin Kama Sallaita Aala ibraheema Wa Ala Aalay ibraheema inna Ka Hameedum Majeed. Allah Humma Baarik Aala Mohammadiyon Wa Ala Ale Mohammadin Kama Barakta Ala ibraheema Wa Ala Ale ibraheema inna Ka Hameedum Majeed."

(O Allah! Shower Your Blessings on Muhammad and the family of Muhammad just as You showered Your Blessings on Ibraheem and the family of Ibraheem. Certainly, You alone are worthy of praise and are Glorious.
O Allah! Bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad just as You Blessed Ibraheem and the family of Ibraheem. Certainly, You alone are worthy of praise and are Glorious)

Wait a little.

* Now read this dua, "Allah Humma Rabbana Aatina Fid Dunya Hasanah Wa Fil Akhirate Hasanah Wa Qina Azaban Naar." Wait a little.
- as shown in the picture (h)

27) Now turn your head towards right and say, "Assalamo Alaikum Wa Rehmatullah"
Now turn your head towards left and read the same as above, "Assalamo Alaikum Wa Rehmatullah"
- as shown in the picture (i &j)

Salah is complete now!

The five prayers of the day:

' Fajr - Prayer is offered between dawn and sunrise. It consists of two raka'at sunnah, followed by two raka'at farz.

' Zuhr - Prayer is offered between true noon and the time when an object's shadow equals it in size. It consists of four raka'at pre-farz sunnah, four raka'at farz, two raka'at post farz sunnah, and two raka'at nafil.

' Asr - Prayer is offered between the time when an object's shadow equals it in size, to just before sunset. It contains four raka'at pre-farz sunnah, and four raka'at farz.

' Maghrib - Prayer is offered between sunset to the time when twilight disappears. It contains three raka'at farz followed by two raka'at post-farz sunnah and two raka'at nafil.

' Isha - Prayer is offered between the time when the twilight disappears and mdnight. It consists of four raka'at pre-farz sunnah, 4 raka'at farz, two raka'at post-farz sunnah, two raka'at nafil, and three witr.


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